Not So Fancy Garden

It’s more than just a hobby!

Your Green Oasis

Outdoor Garden

Discover tips on converting your outside area into a haven of colors and fragrances. From plant selection to gardening techniques, we’ve got you covered. Just put on some gloves and explore the realm of outdoor gardening!


Explore the wonder of indoor plants. Create an indoor oasis with air-purifying plants such as the English Ivy or low-maintenance succulents. Learn about their care, maintenance, therapeutic benefits, and ways they can add to your home décor.


Whether you prefer contemporary designs or have a more minimalist approach, our style tips can help you transform your home.

“I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.”

Growing seedling under the sunlight

1 Corinthians 3:6

Not So Fancy Garden

Our Mission

The Not So Fancy Garden is more than just a gardening blog; it’s a reflection of our journey from novice to enthusiast. Our mission is to inspire you and provide practical tips and encouragement as you embark on your own gardening journey, whether you have an expansive landscape or just a windowsill box

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Caladium Plant Care

Caladiums, with their vibrant, heart-shaped leaves, add a touch of flair to both indoor and outdoor...

Schlumbergera bridgesii (Christmas Cactus)

With its enchanting charm and vibrant blooms, the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) has...

How to Repot a Peace Lily

The Peace Lily, with its elegant white blooms, is traditionally known as a symbol of peace and...

The Role of Soil Selection in Preventing Root Rot

Ever since embarking on my gardening adventures a few years ago, root rot has been one of my...

Root Rot Treatment: Nursing Your Houseplants Back to Health

As a novice (or even expert) gardener, there is nothing worse than investing in plants only to watch...

10 Ways to Display Houseplants Without Using Plant Stands

Incorporating houseplants into your décor is not only a way to add a touch of nature, but doing so...

10 Houseplants That Smell Good

If you want to add some fragrance to your home but don’t want to use toxic air fresheners, the...

Six Steps to Creating a Beautiful Butterfly Garden

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Choose the Right Soil: Garden Soil, Potting Soil and Top Soil

When I first embarked on my gardening journey, I started with limited knowledge and an even smaller...

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